Military medics of Ukraine
Volodymyr Galkin
Military medic

Galkin Volodymyr Valentinovych, born on June 11, 1985. After the occupation of his native city of Donetsk, he moved to Mariupol and joined the ranks of deminers of the international company Nalo Trast. There he obtained the education of a paramedic.
After the start of the full-scale invasion, without any hesitation he joined the 109th Brigade of the Military Intelligence Service as a senior combat medic of the 107th battalion. During his stay in Mariupol, he was able to call his relatives only a few times. There were practically no opportunities for him to communicate regularly. Volodymyr last spoke to his family on March 13, 2022. Then he and his relatives promised each other to be strong and definitely wait for the meeting. They believed that it would happen very soon.
On March 29, his colleague wrote that Volodymyr was alive and ok. And then several weeks of absolute silence. And only on April 17, his relatives learned that he was captured.
For this, almost a year, only 2 letters were received from him, which were handed over by representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross back in August 2022. They said that he was in the territory of the Russian Federation. His relatives did not receive any more news or calls, and no actual information about his health.
Unfortunately, not everyone could wait for Volodymyr at home. His father died on April 8, and he most likely does not even know about it. He and his father were extremely close.
